DAY SIX: The Christmas Banquet

week two



Come and sit.

There’s a Christmas banquet that’s been prepared for you – a feast like none you’ve ever seen.


The white table cloth spreads out before you with bright red cloth napkins rolled up and tied with a red ribbon holding a sprig of holly and shiny silverware placed elegantly beside white dishes.

You breathe in the refreshing scent of evergreen from the breathtaking centerpiece that has candles rising up from the branches down the length of the a table that seems will never end, giving it a magnificent and divine glow.


The host makes his way to greet you and leads you to the head of the table where you are seated. You look down at a beautifully gold inscripted name tag that has been prepared long in advance with your name. 

As you are seated, a red satin cloak lined with fur is placed around you, and the warmth spreads from inside you outward and outside inward, making you feel as if you are suspended above the earth, yet perfectly secure.


Then begins a flurry of servers that seem to fly to your side, filling your glasses with water, milk, and wine. One after another, your plate begins to fill with your favorite foods -sweet and savory-and nothing runs out before being filled again until you are entirely and wholly full.


It’s almost too much – the way it is all so intentional, so perfect, without you speaking a word;


as if the host intimately knew you.


All this, for me?


At the end of your elaborately-designed banquet, there’s a part of you that doesn’t want to leave, but you sense it is time. As you rise and begin to go out from this glorious room, you are followed out by attendants, loading your car with goodies and treats and gifts to share. Nothing was spared for you. 


As you drive away, your head spins with excitement and awe as you recount the events of the evening. After being filled, you would think you would be sleepy, but instead, you are eager to share your gifts and your story with anyone who will listen.


As you drive away, you realize the beautiful songs that had been playing throughout the banquet are still playing. The sweet, quiet melodies remain with you, playing softly in your ear and echoing in your heart, as if God Himself was singing over you. Had they been there before, you wonder?

It seems as if they were possibly always there, but now, they play more prominently, and you smile with the reassurance the music, composed for you, will go with you all the days of your life, reminding you of

His pursuing love, overwhelming goodness, and perfect fullness.



About the Author


Learning to swing a double-edged sword. Recovering from chronic seriousness and finding more ways to celebrate. Life is but a breath..."

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