DAY FIVE: Do You Hear What I Hear?

week two




The sounds of Christmas give us so much to be thankful for, a reminder of His provision, a sacred echo of His grace.


Last week we focused on “Come, Let us adore Him” which, hopefully, began to prepare our hearts for this Christmas season.


This week, we come ready to be filled to the fullness of Him (Ephesians 3:19).


We begin…by listening.

Listen to the holiday sounds, God’s whispers to us, and the stories of those around us.


The sounds of Christmas are an audible mosaic of memories – lullabies sung to quiet babies, ringing of ornaments passed down from generation to generation, lines from dearly loved Christmas movies (we have many favorites!), and carols hummed while baking the cookies your mom and grandma used to make.


This is a time full of messages. Angels, shepherds, prophets – there are messages of good news coming in from every direction. 



Listen to the stillness of a sky lit up with stars.

Listen to the ringing of the Salvation Army bell.

Listen to the words of the songs you’ve sung but never heard.



His answers, His hope, His peace can come through the most unlikely people in the most unlikely of places.


Let’s slow ourselves and take time to genuinely listen this week.


Instead of rushing through the ATM and paying for your gas at the pump, go in and have a conversation. Ask people how their day is going and let them feel the warmth of your light.

We miss chances to love when we are in a hurry. Don’t underestimate a brief conversation or a genuine compliment.


To have the chance to listen to someone is a gift to them and to yourself. It brings you into a space where you can’t predict what will happen, which can be quite scary, but it opens up the door for God to love someone using you as a conduit. To be willing to enter into this unknown takes a lot of courage for some, and for others, it is simple. But either way, when we make ourselves available and intentional, those moments can be used in ways only heaven may know.







About the Author


Learning to swing a double-edged sword. Recovering from chronic seriousness and finding more ways to celebrate. Life is but a breath..."

1 Comment

Cheryl Anderson

“We miss chances to love when we are in a hurry.” I am going to store that in my heart. Thank you for that thought.


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