This Side of Heaven


Oh, Lord.


I want so much to feel You more closely than I can on this side of heaven.  I long to see You with my eyes, physically feel Your arms around me.


I want to feel Your rough hands touch my cheek as you look into my eyes with love that reaches my very core, not allowing me to turn away until I have truly felt the depths of Your love.


I want to wash Your feet with my hair, sitting there, by the legs of the stool, closing my eyes as I feel You reach out to put Your hand on my shoulder in reassurance.


I want to walk with You by the sea, hearing Your voice beside the waves, letting Your words and stories saturate my mind and sink into my heart.


I want to eat with You at the table, listening to Your laugh bounce off the walls, joy echoing in my ears as we break bread.  I want to see how the candlelight lights up Your face as You light up my heart.  I want to look into Your eyes from across the table and see me how You see me.


I want to feel Your embrace, tightly holding me as You empty me of any remaining insecurities, doubts, and fears, and fill me back up with hope and strength, joy and peace.


I want to see You pull my children close, teaching them of Your promises to them, loving them in a way that makes them realize they, too, never want to leave Your feet.  I want to see Your smile as You gaze upon these beautiful children You have created, knowing the plans You have for them.


Oh Lord, I want to see You turn water into wine in our church, and watch eyes open wide and people draw close as they see Your power and might.  I want to see them run to You, watching as You heal their bodies and their hearts, their lives and their marriages.


I want to dance and sing with my brothers and sisters as we celebrate Your overwhelming goodness, the uncontainable joy of You beside us.  I want to see their faces crying and laughing, the excitement of Your presence almost too much for our human hearts.


God of heaven, come down.  

Take our minds from the things of this world, if only for a few moments.






About the Author


Learning to swing a double-edged sword. Recovering from chronic seriousness and finding more ways to celebrate. Life is but a breath..."


Cheryl Anderson

Beautifully expressed!

I am embarrassed to say, although I have seen the word so many times, I don’t know what “Maranantha” means.


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