Posts Tagged: marriage

Prayer For Your Husband

Prayer is one of our greatest gifts and strongest weapons. Bringing our cares to the Lord frees us and enables us to unleash God’s mighty power in our lives and the lives of others. I have so often underestimated and underutilized this power in my life, but as I grow in this area, I am […]

God’s Faithfulness in Marriage

  When my husband and I were deciding what day to commemorate as the anniversary of the restoration of our marriage, it would have made sense to choose the day he moved back into our home after being separated. But after some discussing, we chose the day he left. Because that was the day God […]

Prayer for a Broken Marriage

Here is a prayer I should have been praying the first fifteen years of our marriage instead of trying desperately to control my husband and our circumstances.  I learned that even if your circumstances don’t change right away, your heart and mind can.  Begin by allowing God to change you, and other things will begin […]

Snake in the Grass

I hate snakes.  I try to convince myself they are just part of the animal kingdom so I don’t make my kids scared of them too, but really, they make me uneasy terrified.  Ok, more like I feel I need to do deep breathing exercises and keep from throwing up when we see one at […]