Undo Me

Our Sunday School class is talking about accountability, but I didn’t anticipate the opportunity to “practice what I preach” quite so quickly this week.  Man, it doesn’t always feel good to be held accountable by your friends.  But thank you, God, for giving me people in my life willing and brave enough to do it.

She knew I was not on course.  She knew God had different plans for me, that He was asking me to focus on something else, something more difficult, and I was ignoring Him.  Even though it may have looked like serving, I was being disobedient.

Over and over I was getting the message “Replace the GOOD things with MY BEST.”  I knew what He was asking.  So I just hummed a little louder while I vigorously went about my work, my wholehearted, “good” work.


So God used my dear friend to undo me.


Have you ever tried to re-wrap a ball of yarn and you don’t get it tight enough or centered right and it is a mess or becomes a mess the next time you try to use it?  That is me.  And I need to back up and undo some of the yarn so that it could be wound tightly and usefully.


There is a line of the Jennifer Knapp song, “Undo Me” that says,

“Lord, undo me, put away this flesh and bone til you own this spirit through me.”


I really do want the best thing, His thing.  I really want to put away what I want for what He wants.  But what if He asks you to do something vulnerable?  Something scary?

Put away my flesh, Lord.  Give me strength to do the hard thing.


Undo me.

Then wrap me tightly so that I don’t become unraveled and so that I can be used.  In the best way.  In Your Way.

About the Author


Learning to swing a double-edged sword. Recovering from chronic seriousness and finding more ways to celebrate. Life is but a breath..."

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